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I'm hesitating launching my own business because I'd lose health insurance for my family. What are my options?

I have everything pretty much ready to launch full time. Time, skills, customers, support from family. But I'd leave my current job behind and with it my family's health insurance for the foreseeable future. I can't afford any of the options I've seen. It's the one thing holding me back. Any ideas for affordable health insurance for startups? If you've been in the same situation, what did you end up doing?


Why don't city limits just follow county lines or vice versa?

My city's limits covers one county and half of the county north of it. Why don't they just follow the same lines on the map, with either the county following the city, or the city following the county line?


Looking for some ideas for freelance work / "side hustle"

Title. I found out recently that I need some major dental work in the near future and I don't have a damn clue how I am going to raise the extra money. I want to explore any realistic options for increasing my earnings before I have to resort to taking on debt, and I suspect that soliciting ideas in a semi-public place like this will turn up a lot of ideas I would never have considered myself.

I'm not very physically fit, but I am pretty good with computers generally, and I've picked up a little bit of programming in my free time this year, though I wouldn't sell myself as a freelancer in that department or anything. I am also pretty good at proofreading / nitpicking things, my regular job is in QA.

Thank you in advance for any input.