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What are the best retro cyberpunk video games (20+ years old)?

What would you say are the best old-school cyberpunk video games?

Note that I don't actually care if it's the "best", I'm just looking for some fun older games to play. So give me something better than Raid 2020 and I'll call it a win.

I'm thinking things like:

And just to prove they don't have to be GOTY contenders....

So yeah, give me some recommendations from the NES/SNES/N64 era (I'm not convinced there's anything worth playing from the ZX Spectrum/Commodore 64 era). Maybe some Arcade (MAME) games too? I can't think of any cyberpunk arcade games.

I've never played Omikron: The Nomad Soul or BloodNet before. Not sure if they're worth my time.


What is the most "punk" cyberpunk work?

What cyberpunk work (movie, book, tv show, etc.) would you say is the most "punk"? What has the best non-conformist middle-finger-to-authority "punk" feel?

I mean, it's obviously Hackers, right? Nothing says "punk rock" like roller blading down the streets of NYC. Or maybe something more gritty like Hardware, with a cameo from Iggy Pop?

Obviously those are terrible examples. I was just trying to think of which cyberpunk work really captures the punk part of cyberpunk and I can't think of any really good examples. I'm sure there's something obvious I'm forgetting though.