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Read button

I know theres sorta the ability to do this with swipe actions, but Id like the option to mark posts as read in the same line as the upvote/downvote/save/hide. It just would be a lot simpler especially when its things where from the title you can get the gist,.but you dont want to completely hide the article.


When peeking the thumbnail from a non-image post, allow the user to hover and release their finger on a button to temporarily pin the image as if they had tapped an image post.

UPDATE: I just found this option:

Settings shortcut: Media > Shown options when peeking

That's where a "keep open" option could go, as well as a save button.


A lot of thumbanils have high resolution, and I want to see some detail on them without loading the article just to see it. Especially since mobile web pages most often don't allow zooming anyway.

Another option would be to have a save button you could release your finger over to save the thumbnail.

Even if it is an image post, these buttons could be available since I often don't pay attention to whether a post is an image post or not, and peek the image either way.


list of moderated communities on user "about" page

It would be handy and in line with how the webui handles it.

PS: title field breaking autocorrect is still killing me


View just just a specific instance, including ones that you didn't make an account with

As the list title says, it'd be nice to see all the posts in a specific instance, and not just for the one my account is setup with


Filter and subscription feed that functions indepent of an account

My instance was down with no status updates for several days. And made realize that I'll probably need multiple accounts should an instance I use disappear. Or a more feature rich accountless experience if I decide to just wait for my instance to come back online as I lurk on another instance.

So seems useful to be able to have a subscription feed and filter list that can function without an account, which would make swapping accounts be a more consistent experience in the event there is a need for account migration due to instance being down or completely disappearing as some people have already experienced and lost their sub list in the process.

Like example of an app with a good accountless experience is Stealth for Reddit. It has no account sign in, but lets users have a personal subscription feed and save function which can be exported to a json file.


If Sync gets rework anyway, please make theming global for all accounts

If there was something that bothered me with Sync it was separate theme for each profile. So if we could have global theme it would be sweet!


Filter post by word

Any chance we could filter out post by word or some sort? I'm noticing a lot of wsb/crypto spam here but not as bad as Reddit. I sort by new or top/hour and would see 20 posts under different user or crypto sub and there was no way to effectively block user or sub because they would just create more and more.