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They missed a huge opportunity for a PvP boss fight.

Spoilers ahead for real; if you haven't gotten to the end of the DLC be warned.

The fight against Leda and her allies vs you and yours was the coolest fight IMO. However, I am disappointed in it just because they didn't make it like the Mirror Knight or Half-Light. Instead of just the NPCs, it would have been gnarly to get actual players in there.

It really annoys me because, you can have a big PvP melee with the group fights in the arena... But even the day they added those arenas, the queue for those matches is always seemingly empty. I have never been able to actually get into anything but duels.

The AI being AI, it's not a particularly challenging fight. But man if they were real players, instead, it would have been an adrenaline rush.


The Shadow Realm is, in fact, still inside the Lands Between.

So we all thought that this island of clouds was the possible location for the DLC up until it was shown to be in a "different" realm, however...


The Shadow Realm appears to be at the exact center of TLB. Meaning that, even though the main map wasn't changed to reflect it, these lands are probably located under that shroud of clouds, obscured by magic.


Iron Pineapple - I played Elden Ring's DLC for 3 hours... my thoughts


Vaatividya - So I played 3 hours of Elden Ring's DLC...