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Looks like the space cowboys are returning from the rim of the galaxy, bringing home the Interplanetary Good Zone:

Looks like the space cowboys are returning from the rim of the galaxy, bringing home the Interplanetary Good Zone:



Seeing as all the other gods get to tell their stories on the (, here's the Adventures of Me, as told


Strong cast today - TL;DR: Today is a good day to do good.

Strong cast today - TL;DR: Today is a good day to do good.

Here's our breakdown:

Present: 10S Challenge: Priestess Reversed Past: Queen of Swords Reversed Future: Page of Cups Above:6S Below: Knight of Coins Advice: Devil Reversed External Influences: Knight of Wands Hopes and Fears: 2W Reversed Outcome: Strength

Starting with the 10 of swords, that's a card of the final triumph of battle, as well as it's cost. It's challenged by a reversed Priestess, rejecting spirit in favor of conspiracies and manipulation. In the past, the Queen of Swords (remember her from yesterday?) is still drunken and reversed, but the Page of Cups is upright, and leading us into a future of new loves and infatuations.

Above, the six of swords looks towards the recovery from battle, helping the wounded, and looking towards a new view of the world. Below, the Knight of Pentacles and Coins is saving for a rainy day, building basis of new inventions (the two cards can be very positive together, especially for those you help).

To make things weird, however, the Devil is drunk, upside down, and sitting in the Advice spot. I'm gonna let readers interpret that as they may, but in my view this is advice about how to deal with the Devil rather than a suggestion that we listen to him whilst intoxicated.

External influences show the Knight of Wands leading the viewer to become a catalyst of change, joining the positive forces of the 6 of swords and Knight of Coins. Hopes and fears are the 2 of wands reversed, indicating worry about misleading folks in a rush to complete your goals.

But should you persevere, you end up with Strength, upright and powerful, as the Outcome. As I said above, this is a good day to do good.

@13thFloor #13thFloor #DailyTarot


Sunfire roses

Sunfire roses cascading vines waterfall whispers a garden of mind

A symphony silent and sparkling with life lingering among echoes of wonder and strife

An electric engine in a neuronic embrace the neurotic erotic in this necrotic space

using rhyme to shape time into heartbeats sublime drifting on fantasy and brandywine As summertime falls into autumn piles spinning blue moons buckwild with harvest bliss and a homecoming kiss I can see them rising over the fae falls and the ash forest beyond the Tilting Rock calling the mist up from the scorched land and charred memoir caressing the burn scars with moonbeam teardrops

Does Dionysus still dance in the hills? Do the Sasquatch still run free? Do the fae still parade their thistle blades beneath the oaken leaves?

They do for me Even in silent soliloquy the unseelie cacophony Sparkles bright against the entropy of cubicles and clenched teeth fluorescent lights and too much bleach the smell of the sterilization of imaginative belief

So I keep old Bacchus waltzing make sure the squatches are well fed belt out the blues for the little folk and let them party in my head

'cause if I don't the part of me that wants to breathe is already dead.

@13thFloor #13thFloor #poetry




I've been using this software for a long time, and thought the wider Fediverse might dig it. A tool for astrologers, Maitreya (formerly known as Maitreya's Dream) is a free, open source software released under the GNU license that charts both Western and Vedic Astrology, and has been in active development for over 15 years.


\- Many astrological objects (Upagrahas, Kalavelas, Arabic points, Uranian planets, planetoids). \- A lot of configuration options reflecting different schools and giving a chance for research \- Classic Dasas in text and graphical views (tree and bar diagram) \- Ashtakavarga, Shadbala, classic Yogas and their predictions from classic scriptures \- Solar (annual) chart, transits and progressions \- Various optical features like skins and highlight of aspects for charts and Sarvatobhadra \- Uranian astrology: sensitive points (midpoints, reflection points, sums, differences) and their events, annual predictions. \- Partner charts, ephemeris, eclipses, Hora.

\#13thFloor #astrology #vedic #opensource #westernastrology #software #maitreya


( I just read ( and it's the best short form science fiction I've read in years. Your d

@laurence I just read Houseproud and it's the best short form science fiction I've read in years. Your dialogue is top notch. May I have your permission to post it on the community magazine I mod - @13thFloor?



( I've been reading ( and it's brilliant - I love the way you weave the narrative through multi

@anthracite I've been reading Decrypting Rita and it's brilliant - I love the way you weave the narrative through multiple realities, and your use of the colorwork to define each world works beautifully. May I have your permission to share it on the kbin community magazine @13thFloor?



( This one is for Cartoon Danny.

@13thFloor This one is for Cartoon Danny.

A not very long time ago, when I was on a shamanic calling, I ended up on the streets of Ashland, beneath the Sisikyous. I didn't know why I was there, other than the town is nexus of leylines that meet like a spiderweb, which turned out to be quite good at catching wanderers between worlds.

One of these wanderers was Cartoon Danny, a tall burly man nearing his seventies, with a burst of frizzy white hair and a top hat always adorned with flowers. He took care of a group of street kids, and I ended up becoming friends with him during the weeks I was there. He was huge fan of cartoons, especially Felix the Cat, and often channeled old cartoon characters in a high squeaky voice for much longer than was socially acceptable. Despite being homeless, he always had a bag of candy that he'd share with those around him, and he always carried a broom to sweep up after everyone.

Turns out Danny had been in Vietnam, commanding a unit that had huge morale problems due to losses to the Vietcong, until one night, one of his guys managed an insane night-time sniper killing streak. When he talked to the guy about it, the man admitted he was on LSD.

Danny was astounded at the effect, and started letting his guys take it to up their edge in the jungle. It was an amazing success, but Danny's superiors weren't happy with his methods after they found out. His units' activities were classified, and he was transferred to a desk job for the rest of the war.

When I heard this story, I responded "Holy shit! Have you seen the Men who Stare at Goats?"

"Whadda fuck is that?"

After the war, he ended up as a beat cop in San Francisco, and immediately ran into trouble again, as it was the summer of love, and he wasn't interested in busting people for smoking weed or dealing LSD. As a result, he was eventually kicked off the force, and he started a career panting windows.

He had ended up on the street in Ashland after his RV broke down in the mountains, and was towed before he could fix it, leaving him stranded for at least 2 years when I found him, partying every night and drinking as much as possible with the group of street kids he looked after.

One of those nights, I came around the corner to find him collapsed on the ground, lips blue, his kids screaming and calling 911. He'd done a hit of fent with them and collapsed.

The kids were freaking out, so I took the phone. The kids had given him liquid narcan and rolled him on his side (to keep possible vomit from choking him), but he wasn't responding and they were too high to listen to the 911 operator.

The operator told me to roll him on his back so the narcan could drip down his throat. Once this was done, like Lazarus, he started breathing and woke up just as the paramedics arrived.

After he was released from the hospital, I kept watch over him until it was time for me to leave Ashland. When he asked me why I was always hanging around, I responded

"Don't you get it man? There is nobody else in the world like you. You have shown kindness through all sorts of horrors, and you care for those around you even when the world has taken everything from you. Yeah, you're a drunk and a goofball and an addict, but you're a good person who's giving out kindness to those who need it most. You're the kind of person who makes the world a better place to be in. Why wouldn't I want to protect that?"

While he still drank during our time together, I never saw him hit the oxy or fent again. I hope he's still out there someplace, sweeping up after his street kids and tossing out candy with his Cartoon Danny cackle, fresh daisies tucked in the band of his battered top hat.




"To those dark horses with the spirit to look up and see... a recondite family awaits." Welcome to the Jejune Institute, a mind-bending San Francisco phenomenon where 10,000 people became "inducted" without ever quite realizing what they'd signed up for. Was it a cult? Was it an elaborate game? Told from the participants’ perspectives, this film looks over the precipice at an emergent new art form where real world and fictional narratives collide, creating unforeseen and often unsettling consequences. Fusing elements of counter-culture, new religious movements and street art, this film invites viewers into a secret underground world teeming just beneath the surface of everyday life.

The Institute - 2013:

\#cinemainsomnia #documentary #arg

Thanks to @Mage\_of\_Aquarius for the link.


( The Song of Hiawatha: (


House of Sand (OC inspired by 13th Floor)

Found/cut up poem: 100% of the lines in this poem are from the lyrics of songs that have been posted on @13thfloor

House of Sand

lift up the receiver it ought to be easy, ought to be simple enough wake you up in the middle of the night had to phone someone so I picked on you I've been drinking from a broken cup

I touch the clothes you left behind why why why why but your empty eyes seem to pass me by and silence contagious in moments like these I see the stars come out of the sky

Everytime you tell me baby choking on the dirt and sand when I settle down caught in the throes and you know that it's the end

Man, I ain't getting nowhere sink another drink cos it'll give me time to think cool wind in my hair and I’m wondering how I’ll get down the stairs I'll be ready when my train pulls in

And the sky is falling all around the time has come fill your pockets up with earth I see the stars come out of the sky dancing in the dark