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A bit of a frustrating day trying to get my ESP32 Atom Echo working with Home Assistant.

A bit of a frustrating day trying to get my ESP32 Atom Echo working with Home Assistant.

I used this page to flash it, it seems to work, but when it get to the wifi page it just spins looking for a network.

Any ideas what I can do? I can add it via ESPHome, but I assume that I assume that has wipes the Voice Control firmware.

\#HomeAssistant #ESP32AtomEcho #AtomEcho

@[email protected] @[email protected] @homeassistantinpills @[email protected]


I have a template sensor for calculating daily electricity costs. It uses this sensor - sensor.electricity_import_daily_cost

I have a template sensor for calculating daily electricity costs. It uses this sensor - sensor.electricity\_import\_daily\_cost

I wrote about it here.

As you can see I set it to max which makes some sense. The problem is when prices go negative it won’t go down. I took the max off, but it still won’t go down. What have I missed?


@[email protected] @[email protected] @homeassistantinpills @[email protected]


Does anyone know why #HomeAssistant would give this error when trying to connect to @kate wonderful UK electricity generation site.

Does anyone know why #HomeAssistant would give this error when trying to connect to @kate wonderful UK electricity generation site.

It connects to other sites.

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]


Sorry if I am missing something, but why do I have two updates? Aren’t these the same thing?

Sorry if I am missing something, but why do I have two updates? Aren’t these the same thing?

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]


Does anyone know how to add this Dashboard from the ESPAltherma page to Home Assistant? If not, has anyone other examples.

Does anyone know how to add this Dashboard from the ESPAltherma page to Home Assistant? If not, has anyone other examples.

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

\#HeatPump #ESPAltherma #HomeAssistant


I started to build my Mum’s Home Assistant server yesterday. She didn’t know she needed one 😀.

I started to build my Mum’s Home Assistant server yesterday. She didn’t know she needed one 😀.

While looking into having two Home Assistant servers on the same network while I built it, I found this. Linking two Home Assistant servers together in two locations.

Has anyone used #RemoteHomeAssistant. Any security or other feedback?\_homeassistant


@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]


I have been playing with #HomeAssistant dashboards yet again. I find them fascinating.

I have been playing with #HomeAssistant dashboards yet again. I find them fascinating.

I asked earlier is there was a way for a card to show live and maximum values at the same time. I want to see my #SolarPV watts compared to the max for the year. I came up with the below. I just with I could make that header a bit smaller. I will put the YAML in the next post in this thread 1/2

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]


Just added a very simple entity card in #HomeAssistant. Nothing special in that, but it was so nice to just pop it in the place I wanted using sections.

Just added a very simple entity card in #HomeAssistant. Nothing special in that, but it was so nice to just pop it in the place I wanted using sections.

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]


I have a #HomeAssistant question. I have this bar-card below which shows the maximum watts so far this year for my solar panels. I would like it to show the live value and then a line or a shaded area

I have a #HomeAssistant question. I have this bar-card below which shows the maximum watts so far this year for my solar panels. I would like it to show the live value and then a line or a shaded area for the maximum. Does anyone know how to do this. This of course could be the wrong card type to achieve this

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]


Started to play with Sections in Home Assistant and I love it. Thanks to @madelena and the team at for this release. Some examples. Please read the alt text. The MacBook

Started to play with Sections in Home Assistant and I love it. Thanks to @madelena and the team at @[email protected] for this release. Some examples. Please read the alt text. The MacBook Air version would still have room for a 4th column, but it seems I am limited to three. Hopefully that can change or I am wrong.

I believe this is just the start. I can't wait for the next released. I have always found dashboard very frustrating.

\#HomeAssistant @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]


Installing 20224.3.0. I am so looking forward to the new dashboard.

Installing @[email protected] 20224.3.0. I am so looking forward to the new dashboard.

\#HomeAssistant @[email protected] @[email protected]


Yesterday I updated Home Assistant to 2024.2.1 and it stopped sending data to PVOutput. Has anyone else seen this?

Yesterday I updated Home Assistant to 2024.2.1 and it stopped sending data to PVOutput. Has anyone else seen this?

\#PVOutput #SolarPV #HomeAssistant @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]


I have a strange ( plug issue. I have two of them, both upgraded to Matter. Both of them were added natively to (https://mastodon.soc

I have a strange #EveEnergy plug issue. I have two of them, both upgraded to Matter. Both of them were added natively to #HomeAssistant.

They will randomly be unavailable, but not at the same time. Sometimes they will be unavailable at the same time and restarting my HomePod Mini stereo pair will bring them back. The bit I don’t understand is why one can be responsive and they other is not. Any thoughts?

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]


( ( (

@homeassistant @[email protected] @[email protected] I'm looking for multi-color LED tape lights that I can integrate into #homeassistant. Anyone had any success with something like this?

I'm thinking this \should\ work with localtuya or even flashing tasmota if necessary, but if anyone has had any success, I'd love to hear from you.


Just picked up a few power monitoring Zigbee outlets from 3rdreality. Super easy to pair with ( via Zigbee2MQTT

Just picked up a few power monitoring Zigbee outlets from 3rdreality. Super easy to pair with @[email protected] via Zigbee2MQTT

My goal is to use them to monitor washing machine and dishwasher running states so I can signal when cycles are done.

cc: @[email protected] @[email protected] \#homeautomation

A bit of a frustrating day trying to get my ESP32 Atom Echo working with Home Assistant.
  • @bazcurtis @[email protected] @[email protected] @homeassistantinpills @[email protected] I highly recommend trying it. It opens a new world of possibilities. You can make both devices that are much cheaper than their counterparts available to buy, and ones that are not available at all (combine a few sensors/components in a mix that is not generally available). (1/2)

  • A bit of a frustrating day trying to get my ESP32 Atom Echo working with Home Assistant.
  • @bazcurtis @[email protected] @[email protected] @homeassistantinpills @[email protected] I wasn’t so lucky - Foxess cloud (for my inverter) sucks, and the modbus interface is a little bit better, and works locally. Still limited to refresh once every 2 minutes:/

  • A bit of a frustrating day trying to get my ESP32 Atom Echo working with Home Assistant.
  • @bazcurtis @[email protected] @[email protected] @homeassistantinpills @[email protected] You need to add the device (it should be auto discovered by HA and available in settings->devices->integrations), only after doing that it will be able to communicate with HA using its API. On the HA side you need to set up pipelines, it is described in the year of the voice blog post.

  • A bit of a frustrating day trying to get my ESP32 Atom Echo working with Home Assistant.
  • @spitfire @[email protected] @[email protected] @homeassistantinpills @[email protected] I have been using Home Assistant for about a year and never used ESPHome before. I am not sure what I am missing out on. I can controller my batteries and inverter without it.

    Saying that, always happy to have something else to play with 😀

  • A bit of a frustrating day trying to get my ESP32 Atom Echo working with Home Assistant.
  • @bazcurtis @[email protected] @[email protected] @homeassistantinpills @[email protected] I’m running all of my esp devices on ESPHome - controlling my heat pump, recuperator and solar inverter suing modbus, using stuff like ld2410 in a few others.

  • A bit of a frustrating day trying to get my ESP32 Atom Echo working with Home Assistant.
  • @spitfire @[email protected] @[email protected] @homeassistantinpills @[email protected] The bit that confuses me is, I can flash it fine, but it won’t appear in Home Assistant at that point. I can add it via ESPHome and I assume it join the wifi, but then how do I get voice on it.

  • A bit of a frustrating day trying to get my ESP32 Atom Echo working with Home Assistant.
  • @bazcurtis @[email protected] @[email protected] @homeassistantinpills @[email protected] I think it would be a valuable lesson if you’ve tried it. Once you do it the world of ESPHome supported stuff lies open to you ;)

  • A bit of a frustrating day trying to get my ESP32 Atom Echo working with Home Assistant.
  • @spitfire @[email protected] @[email protected] @homeassistantinpills @[email protected] Thanks for replying. I am not sure how to do that, but I think I will wait. This seems to be a known issue at the moment. An issue has been raised on GitHub.

  • Does anyone know how to add this Dashboard from the ESPAltherma page to Home Assistant? If not, has anyone other examples.
  • @bazcurtis @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]


    In that case, unfortunately I can’t help as I use Home Assistant for basic data visuals and metrics, and then pump the data over to EmonCMS as you’ll have seen.

    I’ve not recreated that ESPAltherma Home Assistant Dashboard I’m afraid!

    Do post back here if you find it. 👌🏻

  • Does anyone know how to add this Dashboard from the ESPAltherma page to Home Assistant? If not, has anyone other examples.
  • @Stephencrown @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] I am on that threat 😀. Post 116. I have being working with M5 Tough. I am interesting in the Dashboard that is shown on the ESPAltherma page.

  • I have been playing with #HomeAssistant dashboards yet again. I find them fascinating.
  • YAML for one of these cards

    type: custom:apexcharts-card
    show: true
    title: Front Watts
    show_states: true
    colorize_states: true
    chart_type: radialBar
    height: 200px
    - entity: sensor.lux_solar_output_array_2_live
    name: Front Live
    unit: watts
    max: 3200
    - entity: sensor.maximum_incoming_watts_front
    name: Front Max
    max: 3200
    unit: watts

    @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

  • Yesterday I updated Home Assistant to 2024.2.1 and it stopped sending data to PVOutput. Has anyone else seen this?
  • @bazcurtis @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] it was on the release notes. The met office datapoint python library hasn't been touched in years and uses deprecated features.
    Those are fully disabled in python 3.12 so they've make a breaking change to disable it until the library is updated.
    Links to git issues are in the release notes, not sure if anybody is working on it though

  • Yesterday I updated Home Assistant to 2024.2.1 and it stopped sending data to PVOutput. Has anyone else seen this?
  • I found the issue. The Met Office integration is broken. I was trying to post the temperature and the entity is unavailable. Does anyone know how to contact the #metoffice to report this?

    2024-02-14 14:31:56.003 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for 'metoffice': Dependency is disabled - Integration library not compatible with Python 3.12

    @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]