On the seventh day of Trek-mas,
On the seventh day of Trek-mas,

Claim a spot by submitting your meme the day/post prior (ie - post meme for day 8 on day 7). In the event of multiple submissions, most upvoted by day's end takes it. Tie breaker based on my poor taste.
1 ummthatguy - "An O'Brien in agony"
2 negativenull - "Two ejected warp cores"
3 The Picard Maneuver - "Three French Captains"
4 negativenull - "Four phasers phasing"
5 negativenull - "Five latinum bars"
6 ummthatguy - "Six Vulcan Mind-melds"
7 teft - "Seven Jeffrey Combs"
8 "Eight Janeway coffees"
9 "Nine redshirts dying"
10 "Ten humanoid aliens"
11 "Eleven Rikers Riking"
12 "Twelve cloaking warbirds"
"O'brien in Agony"
Is just a picture of Miles with Keiko
8 0 ReplyAnd is that not the face of a man in pain?
11 0 ReplyAs funny as that is, I think that screenshot is from the episode when she was possessed by a pah-wraith.
6 0 Reply
8 Janeway coffees:
8 0 Replygot held up at work late today, sorry for the late fixed image:
6 0 ReplyIt's beautiful.
Edit: can't help but notice you made a completely separate comment entry, instead of replacing the original.
How perverse.
2 0 ReplyYes, I didn't really reply/replace to my original (accidentally). It was a long day at work.
Mudd would be proud indeed.
2 0 Reply
Oh crap, that's only 7, and I'm away from my computer
3 0 ReplyI'll fix this afternoon/evening when I get home
2 0 ReplyYou should add a nebula for the 8th coffee.
4 0 ReplyEither way, she's got a problem.
If I may make a suggestion: a raktajino mug.
4 0 Reply
::Angry Andorian Noises:: PINKSKIN!!
3 0 Reply3 0 Reply
I…umm…is the third one actually Jeffrey Combs?
3 0 ReplyIn the header is Officer Mulkahey from s6e13 "Far Beyond the Stars"
6 0 ReplyThey are all weyoun variants and the specific one youre talking about is from this photo:
4 0 ReplyMan, even when playing another Weyoun, Jeffrey Combs can look like a different person…
2 0 Reply
There. Are. FOUR. Bars.
3 0 ReplyEdit for accuracy.
6 0 Reply
My friend made an interesting observation:
3 0 ReplyMissing 2 more:
Suldok from Elite Force 2
And "unnamed holosuite guest" from the DS9 finale
3 0 Reply