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Glorious Lynx (Lubed)

Anyone tried these? Thoughts? I’ve been using some 67G Zelious w/ lube, and they’re nice, but I have been missing linear quite a bit. What are your go to linears?

I was debating between these and Alpaca’s, but the shops near me don’t have Alpacas and I was feeling the itch. I’ve heard they’re more or less the same, just a recolor?

  • Take it with a grain of salt as I have limited experience:

    I have Alpacas and I find them to be very nice, albeit a tad light for my taste. I very briefly tried the Lynx on a display unit at a Microcenter (1 switch lol) and immediately knew I preferred the Alpacas. I would have impulse bought them if I thought they were better in any way.

    I primarily use Boba U4Ts in my board now but will occasionally switch over to the Alpacas if I’m feeling like going linear. I also have Aqua Kings but the inconsistency in lubing from switch to switch was not something I want to deal with.

    There are so many new switches out that I couldn’t possibly keep up. I mostly blindly trust ThereminGoat’s reviews: link

    • There are so many new switches out that I couldn’t possibly keep up

      This is exactly how I feel, lol. Yeah, these babies are really light, I was thinking of replacing the springs with some 67G ones. I really like the sound of them, but the weight is just too light for my liking. I've been using some 67G Zelios tactile's for the last few months, and these may take some getting used to