Ok this is the last thing I'm gonna say on this matter. I've saved my dets on Chrome. I've written it in my book. I'll get the man to save it on every possible thing he can think of.
The reason I persevered is because I actually like you guys and it's a pretty positive atmosphere here and I'm a positive person.
I swear when I got logged out the conversation between my husband and I went something like "have you tried Google's thingy tdhvo5s#%@&/4""pqsqueezing your left teste and then check your emails?". Me: huh. You do it. I'll make coffees.
i gave up and set up a new account because i swear my password is correct because it's my only saved password on chrome, but it just wouldn't go through
I tried everything. New account several times. I set up a new email. Then I'm sitting having my coffee and I thought I know my password is somewhat correct what about if I try 2 of my passwords together and it worked. Jfc. I've been trying since 6pm last night.