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/kbin meta wagesj45

Blocking and Downvote Stalking

Should blocking a user still allow them to vote on your posts? I'd rather have nothing to do with particular users, and it seems that they continue to show up in the activity for every single post I make around kbin.

  • Bad idea imo.

    Blocking someone means, "I want nothing to do with this person," so it makes sense that you'll be unable to see what they do. This should include direct messages, threads, comments, and etc. @PugJesus's idea of a setting to hide votes from blocked users is a great idea, as you should be able to fully ignore someone you've blocked.

    It also makes sense that someone you've blocked wouldn't be able to do any 1-on-1 interaction with you. If you've blocked somebody because they're spamming or harassing you, it wouldn't be great for them to be able to DM you.

    However, preventing them from voting on your posts is something different entirely, as votes don't just concern the creator of the post and the person doing the voting; they also concern everyone who sees the post. Upvoting a comment is a message not just to the creator but also to everyone else that you like that comment, and the same goes for downvoting. Blocking voting is much more farther reaching than blocking DMs, and with votes being visible on the fediverse, it's a great way for trolls to hide people's views on their posts.

    • But if a troll blocks everyone that down votes them, eventually no one will be left to see their stuff. It is a self solving problem. On the other hand, a troll that you block can interfere with your stuff being shown to others depending on the sorting algorithm.

      • But if a troll blocks everyone that down votes them, eventually no one will be left to see their stuff.
        By letting people prevent others from downvoting bad content, you make more people see it. This problem is only "self-solving" ifː

        1. everyone who sees heavily downvoted posts blocks the user. This probably isn't ideal behavior given how many people treat downvotes as an "I disagree" button.
        2. if the person's posts aren't being exposed to new people. It doesn't matter if everyone who's already seen the user has blocked them if more people are getting exposed to them. And by preventing downvotes, you're making it more likely that people will see these posts.

        On the other hand, a troll that you block can interfere with your stuff being shown to others depending on the sorting algorithm.
        The number of trolls going around downvoting everything you do is minimal, and you can often deal with them by calling them out as was discussed in a previous thread about downvotes. Additionally, you have to consider the other side of the coin, which is content that should be getting downvoted getting more attraction than they should.

  • A 'hide downvotes from blocked users' might be a good function. Won't solve the problem of reducing visibility of posts, but if you're bugged by it, it would be a help.

  • I would prefer if blocking hides or removes any kind of interaction between us. One issue I have noticed is that when you block someone you can’t see any replies which unfortunately hides comments from others

  • I agree with you. Though, I'd also be curious to hear arguments why this shouldn't be implemented.

  • Should blocking a user still allow them to vote on your posts?


    Otherwise it would be possible block all users who disagree with you to ensure 100% positive upvotes.

    and gollygosh sweetheart why are you even in a situation to be looking at all this? 1x account downvoting you is totaly survivable. feel free to downvote me. :)

  • I have a similar problem, but with a different user than you. About once a week or so, this user will go through my comment history and just downvote everything. I don't even know what his issue is, because he constantly deletes his own comments and has zero visible comments on his profile anymore, so I have no clue if I've somehow angered him or if he's just a random troll. Unfortunately, blocking him doesn't have any impact on this.

    I agree, though. There should definitely be better protections in place against this sort of bad behavior. While I'm not a huge fan of Reddit's implementation of user blocking, it does at least prevent this sort of trolling from occurring. It would be great if there could be a middle-ground between what we currently have and what Reddit has.

  • @wagesj45

    Someone recently announced to me that they despise me so much they're blocking my whole instance. Okay.

    But for some reason I still see their posts when people I follow boost them.

  • Honestly, I feel like blocking someone should prevent them from interacting with your posts in any way, or even seeing them. I would think that's the entire point.