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Ninja frogs and koi carps

Some of my creations to kick up this space. Couple of small bowls with koi carps and ninja frogs (I wanted to paint turtles but I was painting another mug with frogs at the same time, my dyslexia kicked in and ended up liking the idea 😅)

They are all made with slabs and hand painted (no transfer or anything)

  • these are SO CUTE! i also make my pots through slab building and hand painting so its fun to see other potters that use the same methods:)

    • thanks!

      I love also your cat thingies you posted, they are super cool and cute. Also double thanks for kicking off this community 🫶

      • Thank you!!! And absolutely! When I saw there wasn't a pottery community yet, I knew what had to be done lol