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Apps blueskiesoc


Yeah, most people have heard of Waze. If you haven't...

Plug in the address of where you want to go and it will map it out. It will find the fastest way to get there. Often you can pick from multiple routes, which is nice because I'll drive an extra seven minutes if I don't want to deal with a particular big hill I don't like. You can tell it to avoid freeways or toll roads.

It will highlight on a map where traffic is. If you're driving in traffic it will give you a time estimate of how long it will be till you're out of it. It will tell you if there are police or road hazards like big potholes. It is crowd sourced so you can also add police or road hazards as you spot them.

You can plan a trip for another day. Tell Waze the address and tell it you want to go later. It'll ask when you want to leave or when you want to arrive and you can change to another day too. It knows what the traffic will be like at that other time, so it'll still calculate the fastest way to get there.

It will talk you through directions and you can change to voice as well. My favorite so far has been Cookie Monster. Waze, bring back Cookie Monster!