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How do the face recognition and reconstruction neural networks work?

I find it unbelieveable how some advanced neural networks can take source face and transpose it to target face with almost 100% precision even in facial expressions - all from one picture. If you told me that would be possible 10 years ago, i would tell you you read too much scifi.

So how do they work exactly?

  • @[email protected] answers your question quite nicely here :

    From : Asking ChatGPT to Repeat Words ‘Forever’ Is Now a Terms of Service Violation

  • Your mom and dad made you so they know exactly how your brain works ? they do not.

    Well, it's the same thing with deep neural networks : they tried to imitate (natural) neural networks ... they made many recipes ... some of those recipes gave good results so they just expanded on the good ones, trying to adjust this and that. They (mostly) don't know how it works : it's an art more than a science.