[Solved!] Remap a key? (Windows 10)
[Solved!] Remap a key? (Windows 10)
I used to have one of those gaming keyboards that lets you reprogram any key - I'm back to just a standard keyboard, but this seems like the kind of thing a modern computer should be able to do without a "gaming" peripheral.
What I'd really like to do is rebind my caps lock key, because the only time I ever use caps lock is on accident lol. Hoping to rebind it to be my push-to-talk key, so if I could make it do something like a zero-width-space that'll basically turn it into an input key that does nothing except when I tell something like Discord to use that as ptt.
I'm only surface-level competent with computers, so explain-like-I'm-your-grandma or I'll probably fuck something up.
Thanks all!!
I'm on my phone so I can't give the handhold instructions.
Try using SharpKeys to remap CapsLock to be F13 (a key that used to exist but most keyboards don't include anymore). Then set F13 as your PTT key in Discord.
This appears to have worked!!
No more annoying caps lock key, and I now I have a ptt that won't screw with anything else! Fuck yeah!
Thank you so much!
Powertoys keyboard manager should be able to do something like that https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/keyboard-manager
This looks like it'd do the trick - got it working with another program (SharpKeys) so I don't want to futz with it anymore, but I'll keep this one in the back of my head for future use. Might as well stick with microsoft software on a microsoft computer.
It would appear this is the simplest solution: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=102134
Good idea, but for some reason a lot of the keys are blocked from being rebound, and caps lock is one of them. Another poster suggested SharpKeys, which appears to effectively be the the same thing, minus the odd restrictions, and it did the trick.
But thank you!