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[Request] Spoiler visbility and image embedding

Using this post as an example:

In the Web UI, it renders as a dropdown Element that needs to be clicked in order to show the images.

In Boost (and other apps I tried), it displays "spoiler spoiler" at the beginning of the post, but doesn't hide anything. Would be great to get properly rendered spoiler tags.

The images in this post I had to manually embed by using the code ![description](image link). It would be great if the formatting shortcuts in the editing window had a button for embedding a picture hosted externally that inserts this code.

  • Also if possible, apply the spoiler dropdowns everywhere. If it was similar to the webUI, it would be more consistent

    ex. Sidebar of [email protected] ( )

  • upvoting to make this more visible, it's weird that this the spoiler tag has a working toolbar button and it doesn't render correctly


    When the feature is fixed you shouldn't be able to read this without clicking on it.