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/kbin devlog ernest

/kbin RTR#19 Summary of current work and plans for the near and somewhat distant future

Today, I am addressing several ongoing issues that prove troublesome in the daily use of the instance. In the coming days, I will be working on several things slated for the next instance update:

  • Implementation of a "Support Us" page, listing individuals supporting the project.
  • Fix photo management during post/thread editing.
  • Improved handling of +18 content, ensuring proper image concealment.
  • Exclusion of blocked people and magazines from the sidebar's related/latest posts/entries.
  • Implementation of a spoiler system compatible with Lemmy.
  • Resolution of several bugs causing the failure to display certain content (error 500).
  • Public release of the API, with everything seemingly operational, remaining tasks involve building assets for documentation, which, with multiple nodes, requires additional configuration. Kudos to @rideranton for a job well done!

In the immediate future, I plan to take a break from coding to focus on global moderation and work on the new instance setup from Adam:

Looking further ahead, I intend to refine the /sub feed by segregating it into observed users, magazines, and both simultaneously, as illustrated here:[email protected]/t/638986/Why-Bluesky-over-sth-like-Activitypub#entry-comment-3664917

Additionally, I aim to enhance the tag page with additional filtering options:[email protected]/t/641047/this-is-a-bloody-test-bc-i-don-t-know-what#entry-comment-3666758

The first release is anticipated in ? days.

You can track changes in the official repository

or on Github

  • That's a lot of information, I'm personally most excited for the spoiler support and the /sub refinements. I never really see any posts from users I follow because they get drowned out by the magazines I'm subscribed to. So this made me hold back with following users so far.

  • That sounds good, for /kbin seems to generally have troubles with federating to the outside Fediverse. For example, formatted posts or posts with embedded links go out as raw Markdown code, implying that everything else can and will parse it, rather than standard Rich Text.

    Also, I sometimes see posts from /kbin with a summary (the same as a content warning on Mastodon; I don't know what /kbin uses that field for), but the post in the summary is the same as the summary, only without hashtags which only appear in the summary.

  • Resolution of several bugs causing the failure to display certain content (error 500).

    It seems that Lemmy instances are unable do display new content that was posted on is this the big you're talking about?

    • I'm not sure what ernest is referring to with that, but something definitely does seem to be up with federation of content from kbin over to lemmy.

      e.g. in /m/anime_irl the last three threads posted have not federated out. I commented here with a list of 5 lemmy servers I checked on a 24 hour old post that hasn't shown up elsewhere (after noticing my own post wasn't showing up).

      There's also something going on with comments added by lemmy users on threads that have federated not going out to other lemmy instances. e.g. on this thread from 5 days ago only my first comment has federated widely; the other comment chain (starting with the user from are only visible on and, as far as I can tell. Not sure if that's exactly the same issue or not, but seems plausible for it to be related if something isn't working correctly with federation right now.

      Comments that I've made on lemmy threads have gone through today though.

      • I will look into this. I will also gradually address federation issues. However, I'm not sure if the problem is on the kbin side. Currently, there are no performance issues; all queues are being cleared in real-time. Communication on my test instances with takes a matter of seconds.

  • @ernest Will the spoiler system also be compatible with Mastodon? This would be very good to have.

    (or, alternatively, can we get a FEP for a proper spoiler system other than using the summary field?)

    • Definitely, I plan to integrate spoilers with ActivityPub. For now, it's just a Markdown change compatible with Lemmy - there were many requests for it, and it was quite cumbersome. I will start working on federation after finish the refactoring. I want to do this on the new codebase - I'm getting closer, but initially, I'm fully focused on instance moderation, which will enable the operation of a global moderation team. Later, things with lower priority will be gradually implemented.