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[FFVIIR] Kitase says that VII trilogy will link back to Advent Children, making it part of the canon. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Yoshinori Kitase and Naoki Hamaguchi: "You can learn a lot from The Empire Strikes Back"

Interview | The creators of one of next year's biggest games speak about how to update a classic, nail the second part of a trilogy, and leave fans wanting more

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Yoshinori Kitase and Naoki Hamaguchi: "You can learn a lot from The Empire Strikes Back"

"We are finally going to link up with Advent Children, that is going to be part of canon," Kitase confirms. "The overall storyline, the developments, will not go wildly out in a way that will not add up to Advent Children in the end. I don't think anyone wanted that, that's not what we're looking to create here. [But] to make sure it doesn't become stale and people know exactly where it's going, [that it] doesn't just follow the original word for word, we add in extra elements which add that little bit of doubt. Getting the right balance of that is so key. Ultimately, we're not trying to change the Final Fantasy 7 story into something really different. The overall balance wouldn't really allow for that anyway."

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