Indeed I am in the US. In 2016, I went to the only person within 100 miles who could diagnose and she only did kids. She did not help. So last year I wanted to try again and she was still the only one we could find. I was on a wait list for a year.
This time she didn't give me the RAADS test. She asked me a bunch of questions relating to adults. I still had to do the pattern recognition test but no numbers this time. I had to wait a month to get the results. My husband was there to help fill in the behavioral side, as I didn't know until he told me that a lot of the stuff I do is related to autism.
In the middle of all this I discovered that the Easter Seals have the ability as well because someone my husband knows got hers through them.
Honestly it's worth the stress and anxiety of the wait from second test to the results. I can now be confident that I am the way I am for a reason.