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The Suburban Rail Loop is a money sink. Time to bite the bullet and cancel it The Suburban Rail Loop is a money sink. Time to bite the bullet and cancel it

For the same price as just the first stage of the loop, Victoria could have had a dedicated airport rail line and fast train services to Geelong.

The Suburban Rail Loop is a money sink. Time to bite the bullet and cancel it

Keen to hear people’s thoughts. Personally I think the SRL will change how Melbourne works in ways current modelling won’t consider. That comes at a high cost, but is it too high?

  • I think it sounds great in theory, but there's a few issues I have with it.

    A) There are many other projects that are way more important than this, like the airport rail, for instance. B) The project (or at least stage 1) mainly benefits all the rich people out east who already have exceptionally good public transport, yet again leaving all us in the West screwed over with pathetic public transport. C) Stage 1 seems to be the best thought out and most likely to happen. The rest of it feels like it was tacked on just to try and make people in the West a bit happier about it