I guess this is like telling people crammed into a cubicle farm office that air conditioning is bad, and then being banned by an air-conditioner-repair-person. The fact that they're chained to an office with stale, mouldy air implies more than one thing has gone wrong.
OpenBlade: "Here you stand, waving your hammer around,
announcing to your servants that I have desecrated
your project of MATABROWSER tutorials webpage,
by me stating that your poor attempt of a modified
wordpress template you stole from tumblr is at least
7 times more readable in a terminal web browser.
Strike me down, but know the Fossangel is my
witness. Your hammer may land on my head, but
the tremor will bring forth the anger of an entire
Techno-Mage: "Are you fucking serious? I just told the guy his website is unreadable."
OpenBlade: "I mean, that's not how I remember it."