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Found a website bug, unable to click website buttons after submitting song

Here's a video of the issue:

The bug happens on both Chrome and Firefox, with and without extensions. I can provide more information if necessary.

  • EDIT: Fix implemented (kinda). The "success" page will now open in a new window/tab. Also removed those pesky unclickable buttons. :P Now I'm going to bed. See y'all tomorrow.

    Thanks for the report! The music also stops after submitting a suggestion. It's a known issue.

    For the nerds: It's an issue with my SPA implementation. Been needing help with figuring out how to fix links that just won't work, despite creating event listeners for every link. (There's also supposed to be a hamburger menu for those visiting the site on mobile, but I had to disable it cause I couldn't get the links to work there either.)

    I've been busy handling everyone's song suggestions and getting them on the air, so I am absolutely ready to pass out for the night (it's 4am here). Give me a minute and I'll throw in a quick fix before I pass out.