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[Gear] Salon Acrylics by Nikki

I wanted a shorter stiletto nail sculpt that sat in the nail beds, with cute custom diffuses, so here we are. This is a long-term project that I will update as I make new designs.

  • sized to bibo+
  • replaces the claws of the beast
  • comes in 5 styles: default (gradient), French manicure, black and gold, plain (with crystal texture), and half and half
  • the white portions dye, except for the French manicure which dyes the pink portions
  • for f!HAMERV

The plain, black and gold, and half and half have normal maps that include height maps. Meaning, there is some texture to those styles that changes with different lighting.

The first picture features the acrylics paired with the bejeweled rings from the shop ♥

UPDATE 1.1: fixes normals that caused the left hand to show darker under certain condition

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IPFS aHR0cHM6Ly9pcGZzLmlvL2lwZnMvUW1ja3VBTTgxM1ZzNGhZQmV6QUNMbTh5WHdlTEszZ0ZKTjlxWVNkajJNRXY5bj9maWxlbmFtZT1zYWxvbiUyQmFjcnlsaWNzJTJCYnklMkJuaWtraS50dG1wMg==
