[Sculpt] Trillium by Neverminding
[Sculpt] Trillium by Neverminding
Trillium - High-Poly Sculpt!: ↳ [Private] ❈ Races: Viera - Feminine ❈ Affects: 03/103 –Rava/Veena ❈ Description: A High-Poly Sculpt for Feminine Viera, Face 03/103. Changes made to the base model involve reshaping the eyes, mouth, nose, chin, jawline, and cheeks. Includes LorFangs, custom Lash/Brow Meshes & Retextures, with an optional Eye Specular.
IPFS aHR0cHM6Ly9pcGZzLmlvL2lwZnMvUW1ic0pSbmU0dldtU0NhamdoZnhoa0FpUTlnVDQ1TjRMbUhtUTV2ZFdXUmlwdA==