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Web-ish XR News Trevor Flowers

What will a Chromium-only Web look like? What willwould a Chromium-only Web look like?

Most of the complexity and nuance of the Web is stuffed into browser engines. Even though they’re a huge burden to develop and maintain, the world is lucky enough to have three major ones, and they’re all Open Source.

  • About the same as a Lynx or Netscape/Mozilla only web. Just in this age, a very advertizer heavy.

    What's going to be more concerning is the forced adoption of ML based language models pre deciding how we speak, think, and search. Via echo chambers of bottom line revenue driven models with reinforcement from lowest common denominator of thought data points used in autocorrect, autosuggest, and bard/chatgpt powered search results which one cannot disable or use alternatives.

    Think 1984 meets Idiocracy but modernia is the religion of everyone.

    The worst part is this is already happening. Type in 'Modernia' into google to search and it autocorrects to modern, denies the word, or shows a fictional character. Instead of showing results about the plight of modern consumerism, corporate america, and other post modern issues afflicting the society of the current age.