[article] Edmonton passes density-boosting zoning bylaw allowing three-storey apartments and row housing citywide
[article] Edmonton passes density-boosting zoning bylaw allowing three-storey apartments and row housing citywide
edmontonjournal.com Edmonton passes density-boosting zoning bylaw allowing three-storey apartments and row housing citywide
Edmonton city council passed the zoning bylaw rewrite meant to boost housing density citywide after a lengthy public hearing.
Property owners in Edmonton will be able to build three-storey apartment buildings, townhouses, rowhouses or duplexes with up to eight units in any residential area citywide starting next year.
Edmonton city council voted 11-2 Monday morning to pass the revised zoning bylaw, which ends so-called “exclusionary” zoning that limited many residential zones to only single-family homes plus garden or backyard suites. Councillors Jennifer Rice and Karen Principe were opposed. The law comes into effect Jan. 1.