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Transfer from the former instance

This community was originally hosted on, which no longer exists. All former wishes, and their replies, have been transferred to this instance with the tag [MIGRATED].

In each comment, the original poster is included before their reply.

Feel free to interact with these as you would other wishes, especially since the upvotes have been lost in the transfer.

  • Sounds like a fun community. I just found my way here from the community announcement post... I see post titles but no comments, should I just jump right in?

    I feel qualified to imagine the terrible consequences of monkey paw wishes, but compelled to understand any established precedent that may already have been established.

    • It seems to be a known bug. There is a Github post about it, bit I don't know if there's a fix.

      In the meantime, yes feel free to participate, and hopefully the comments will appear for you soon.

      • Thanks for the info.

        I love the idea so much I just want for it... after finding your example :-)

  • Granted. But whenever you try your script on production data, it just posts this message. You try to clarify your intentions but are unable to force your fingers to type out a coherent reply... horrified you watch them move with a will of their own typing out:

    Transfer from the former ins...

    A finger on the monkey's paw curls inward on itself, you have 3 wishes left.