Do new releases of the PF2E core books contain the corrections made in erratas?
I'm aware that initial releases of the core rulebooks contained some errors that might affect play, and that erratas have been released that correct these mistakes. However, do they fix these mistakes in the books themselves in later releases or versions? Or will I have to cross reference the erratas and make the changes myself in the book?
The listed errata is incorporated into the book when it’s next printed. This is indicated by the title of the book, not based on actual “print runs” of said book.
So the CRB is currently “4th Printing” and will therefore include all posted errata up to “3rd Printing” as listed on their website. But they have had several “print runs” of the “4th Printing” version, and none of them include the “4th Printing Errata” as listed on their website.
And for physical books the “Printing” information can be found at the bottom of the license page at the end of the book, listed upon “Second printing” or more.