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Need input re including communities into a list

Hey guys,

I'm maintaining the health community on universal link, in particular a list of communities related to health:

I want to ask, should I include some lgbtq+ communities, and if so, which ones?

I try to limit the list to comms that are specifically aimed at matters of health, so e.g. healthy cooking but not all cooking, (potentially) skin conditions but not all skin care etc. And also some satirical/meme ones (aspiememes etc.)

With that in mind, I'm thinking to maybe include some comms for transgender, as that's the group that's probably most concerned with healthcare. It seems to me that the one I'm posting to and this one are most like what I'm looking for. But maybe people would appreciate this one and its counterpart?

(I didn't want to cross post everywhere and be spammy.)

What do you think? Include more? Would it be useful? Or does it make no sense? What about the meme communities?

Could use some input. Thanks.

P.s. I'm at so I may not be able to respond to everyone as some instances aren't federated.

P.s.2. I'm aware some instances may be controversial for this or that reason. I might add detailed disclaimers or make a different system at a later time, but right now I want to focus on figuring the list.