Why would you use a pile out of all data structures, only adding is in ϴ(1), searching is in ϴ(n).
I suggest throwing the clothes on the floor and remembering the spot they landed on. That's ϴ(1) for adding and for searching, far superior to a stack of clothes on a chair.
Side note: fuck big O notation, use big ϴ notation >:(
i think that's the point, it's not a "messy pile", it's actually a completely organized cache; depending on the replacement policy it can appear messy, but you keep the offset and address stored locally for fast access and more hits (i remember that i put some arguably clean socks somewhere in the corner over there)
Ok, I didn't understand roughly half of your comment because I don't actually know how cache works in practice
a messy pile of clothes represents a stack, doesn't it? And a stack makes a horrible cache because unlike a simple array you don't have fast random access. You'd have to dig through the entire pile of clothes to get to the bottom which takes a lot of time.
Our clothes' storage has been set up next to our dryer, which, in turn, is by the shower. I also switched to a mix and match wardrobe that are my series of 'uniforms'. This combination simplifies my mornings to an extreme that works well for me.
Get dressed in dirty clothes, take a shower, and then get inside the dryer wearing your freshly showered clothes. Now you can wear the same thing all the time.
EXACTLY!! If I'm going to use something in the next 48 hours I'm not going to hide it away?! But my desk did get a little messy lately and I'll have to reorganize it when I get home so thanks for the accidental reminder :3