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The sun's activity could peak 2 years early, frying satellites and causing radio blackouts by the end of this year, experts say The sun's activity could peak 2 years early, frying satellites and causing radio blackouts by the end of this year, experts say

The sun has had an unusually large number of sunspots this year forcing scientists to revisit their predictions of when the solar maximum will hit.

The sun's activity could peak 2 years early, frying satellites and causing radio blackouts by the end of this year, experts say
  • Does this have anything to do with Earth's climate? Probably a hot-button question but I'm truly curious.

    • Considering this is the sun, I don't see the Earth having any affect on the Sun whatsoever. Someone else can step in and correct me, but I don't believe it's possible for temperature changes on earth to affect the Sun in any meaningful way.

      • I’m sorry, I meant is the Sun affecting the Earth’s temps. Not to deny Climate Change, just hopeful that, when the sun settles down will the Earth get a break from these extreme summer temps.