Sorry for the late post, I was out of town and away from my computer for the last few days.
This week saw the fall of several /c/CFB ranked teams, including both Los Angeles teams. I didn't have time to keep up with many of the games so I won't do a full write-up but I will list which teams lost, almost lost, or won their games.
The Saturday Not-Wearing-Sunglasses-After-Dark Special:
This one is mental. Boise was at 99.9% as early as shown above, and stayed that high when they went up 30 to 10. After that though, things got weird...
Having gone back and watched our game now, it's genuinely impressive what coach hype has built in 2 and a half years. Especially considering where he started here. For a team to excel where they should lack due to quality and quantity of bodies, especially while what should be their main engine is stuck sputtering out, shows a level of fight that simply hasn't been in knox vegas for decades now. Hope our oline pass pro/qb/wrs get their shit sorted, because the other pieces are almost exactly what we lamented not having last season (secondary aside)