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As the fediverse expands, the best content may become dispersed. This community will collect the most insightful posts and comments found on the Fediverse.

As moderator, we will let the community manage the content and decide what is worthy of the frontpage.

This community is in its early stages. We're small. We're growing. Share this place with a friend and share with us what you find!

  • Some thoughts:

    1. GREAT idea for a magazine!!:-P

    2. I'm not certain how links work yet, but I notice that doing them "incorrectly" removes the ability to interact with them - up/down vote, comment, share, subscribe, etc. - unless you also have an account at the target instance. Especially I wonder if people not from click on the ones that showcase the content there, does it automatically translate that to their instance of choice where they are from? So I stripped away the initial portion on two of my recent posts, and now I think that was not helpful, so I'm suggesting to provide guidance for future posters.

    3. I tried subscribing to a magazine - m/tech - and immediately regretted it, b/c it absolutely FLOODED my Notifications with every single article (or is it thread? it's called both depending on how you look at it), made by bots to that large community, and I don't see a way to distinguish b/t replies to my own stuff vs. all of those new threads that a repost bot added every few minutes. So anyway I'll be watching this magazine with great interest, but like most magazines I'm interested in, without actually subscribing to it. That then lowers its stats, and makes it less discoverable by newer people though. Hopefully the kbin software will catch up to becoming more functional so that such things are less problematic, but in the meantime I hope you are not discouraged by a low(-ish) subscriber count - it may not mean anything at all!:-)