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How CISOs can balance the risks and benefits of AI How CISOs can balance the risks and benefits of AI

Rapid growth and development of AI is pushing the limits of cybersecurity and CISOs must take charge now to be ahead of a range of risks including data leak, compliance and prompt injection attacks.

How CISOs can balance the risks and benefits of AI

The rapid pace of change in AI makes it difficult to weigh the technology's risks and benefits and CISOs should not wait to take charge of the situation. Risks range from prompt injection attacks, data leakage, and governance and compliance.

All AI projects have these issues to some extent, but the rapid growth and deployment of generative AI is stressing the limits of existing controls while also opening new lines of vulnerability.

If market research is any indication of where the use of AI is going, CISOs can expect 70% of organizations to explore generative AI driven by the use of ChatGPT. Nearly all business leaders say their company is prioritizing at least one initiative related to AI systems in the near term, according to a May PricewaterhouseCoopers’ report.

Artificial Intelligence - Security | Jailbreak (GPT) manitcor

How CISOs can balance the risks and benefits of AI

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