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[BLR] Igor Olinevich turned 40 years old! - Pramen Игорю Олиневичу исполнилось 40 лет! - Прамень

Сегодня, 24 сентября, иполняется 40 лет нашему дорогому товарищу, революционеру и политзаключённому — Игорю Олиневичу. 40 лет — возраст глубокой зрелости. Зрелости, которой Игорю было не занимать ещё в свои 20 лет и которая укрепилась во время его борьбы как на воле, так и в тюрьме. Будучи 27-летним...

Игорю Олиневичу исполнилось 40 лет! - Прамень


Today, September 24, is the 40th anniversary of our dear comrade, revolutionary and political prisoner, Igor Olinevich. 40 years is the age of deep maturity. A maturity that Igor lacked even in his 20s and which strengthened during his struggle both in freedom and in prison.

As a 27-year-old activist in the anarchist movement in 2010, he went to prison for his beliefs and spent 5 years there. Prison is not a place for development, it is a place for the destruction of personality. But for revolutionaries who are firm in their convictions, there are no obstacles that cannot be overcome in the pursuit of freedom, if not universal, then at least personal. That is why, remaining unbroken all these years, in 2020 Igor and his comrades from the Black Banner group illegally returned to Belarus and took part in the uprising with exceptional courage and dedication. The group was captured in the border forest while trying to escape. Igor and three other comrades received up to 20 years of strict regime. At the same time, the comrades boldly admitted their participation in the sport, denying guilt, despite the consequences.

It is paradoxical, but precisely those people who dream of freedom more than others are often doomed to live in absolute captivity because they did not agree to live in semi-freedom. Half measures are unacceptable for anarchist revolutionaries. It is thanks to such selfless people that we are content with more and more freedoms that we take for granted. It is worth remembering that we owe all the freedoms we have to daredevils who spent their lives behind bars or even laid them down on the altar of revolution.

Igor, on your fortieth birthday, we want to congratulate you and wish you to maintain your perseverance and endurance. Another year locked up... But we know that it was not lost for you and you have increased your wisdom and conviction. We want you to know that your sacrifice was not in vain and you remain an example not only for your comrades, but also for many Belarusians who hold different political views. You are the spark that ignites the flame, or the ember that does not allow this flame to go out in difficult times. Stay as you are, because it is impossible to wish for more.

Igor / Ihar is sponsored by ABC Belarus