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weirdness - Mod team members reordered randomly?

just wondering if anyone else is seeing this, and possibly a bug related to the upgrade?

I just noticed that in the communities that I started, mod team memberships got reordered randomly and I no longer have the option to add/appoint new mods. Examples: [email protected] , [[email protected]

Update: hmm, even in this mod coordination, the membership is all changed, and @[email protected] is no longer top moderator...

More weirdness update Monday: at !DangleAndJingle, I just added @[email protected] as mod. But in the sidebar, s/he is listed out of order and not reflective of modlog transactions...

  • This seems to be a major problem, I don't think they will be able to restore the previous top mods even if they roll out an update to fix this issue. Link to github issue

    • Yes, it's a major problem - I was surprised not many folks seemed to care about it at all.

      I don't know the code, but since the modlog itself is not corrupted, some admin fix/script to restore the original mods' ordering should be possible by leveraging modlogs.

    • It's surprising (and disheartening) that nobody has been assigned to the bug report 😢

  • @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

    Looks like its fixed with 0.18.1 update.

  • what?! first mod is always the top mod. there must be some bug or something. @[email protected] can you approve this? I can see this in modlog so I will transfer the community to the @[email protected] , but I just want to here from wankbank too.

  • What I'm seeing in !lipsthatgrip is that I appear as top mod and I do have the options for "ban from community" and "appoint as mod" (or "remove as mod" and "transfer community" for you), but they're not in the drop-down and actually can get out of sync with it if you collapse the menu by clicking on the background:

    I don't see you moving the community back to me, but I am late to this thread.

    The same is true of the two you linked, and I also see myself at the fist listed mod for them (even in a guest session).

    (cc @yay)

    • [email protected] is unaffected and totally fine, which confirms what you see. You are the creator of that community so the ordering is correct.

      The issue is on the communities I created such as [email protected], [email protected] - due to the bug we are discussing, you've become the top moderator... (what we don't know is why it happened). And it's not simply just a display UI issue.
      BTW, I don't really mind that you've become top mod on my various communities, it's more that this type of random re-orderings is a very serious thing IMO - if one can't trust consistency and integrity of how moderators lists are handled, then the platform in my eyes become not trustworthy at all...

      • this type of random re-orderings is a very serious thing IMO

        Yeah, I understood your position completely, and it's definitely a P1 bug.

        I see myself as top mod of most of the subs I mod.

        Here's me trying to transfer [email protected]:

            "community_id": 1840,
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              "id": 1840,
              "name": "ftvgirls",
              "title": "FTVGirls",
              "description": "Must have FTVGirls studio's logo/watermarking on posting, to ensure verification of model's age, as well as proof that content is from FTVGirls. \n\ncurrently also mods r/FTVGirls along with u/FTV_LIA, who is the photography director for the website.\n\n---\n\nPlease make a request post to let mods know if you want to help moderate here.\n\n---\n",
              "removed": false,
              "published": "2023-06-18T04:06:06.906636",
              "updated": "2023-06-21T14:02:53.644123",
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              "published": "2023-06-18T04:06:06.906636",
              "users_active_day": 1,
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              "users_active_month": 8,
              "users_active_half_year": 8,
              "hot_rank": 2
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                "name": "ftvgirls",
                "title": "FTVGirls",
                "description": "Must have FTVGirls studio's logo/watermarking on posting, to ensure verification of model's age, as well as proof that content is from FTVGirls. \n\ncurrently also mods r/FTVGirls along with u/FTV_LIA, who is the photography director for the website.\n\n---\n\nPlease make a request post to let mods know if you want to help moderate here.\n\n---\n",
                "removed": false,
                "published": "2023-06-18T04:06:06.906636",
                "updated": "2023-06-21T14:02:53.644123",
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                "avatar": "",
                "banned": false,
                "published": "2023-06-12T02:20:36.333327",
                "actor_id": "",
                "local": true,
                "deleted": false,
                "admin": false,
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                "instance_id": 1
              "community": {
                "id": 1840,
                "name": "ftvgirls",
                "title": "FTVGirls",
                "description": "Must have FTVGirls studio's logo/watermarking on posting, to ensure verification of model's age, as well as proof that content is from FTVGirls. \n\ncurrently also mods r/FTVGirls along with u/FTV_LIA, who is the photography director for the website.\n\n---\n\nPlease make a request post to let mods know if you want to help moderate here.\n\n---\n",
                "removed": false,
                "published": "2023-06-18T04:06:06.906636",
                "updated": "2023-06-21T14:02:53.644123",
                "deleted": false,
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                "published": "2023-06-12T22:01:17.596656",
                "actor_id": "",
                "bio": "why are you here? ",
                "local": true,
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                "instance_id": 1
              "community": {
                "id": 1840,
                "name": "ftvgirls",
                "title": "FTVGirls",
                "description": "Must have FTVGirls studio's logo/watermarking on posting, to ensure verification of model's age, as well as proof that content is from FTVGirls. \n\ncurrently also mods r/FTVGirls along with u/FTV_LIA, who is the photography director for the website.\n\n---\n\nPlease make a request post to let mods know if you want to help moderate here.\n\n---\n",
                "removed": false,
                "published": "2023-06-18T04:06:06.906636",
                "updated": "2023-06-21T14:02:53.644123",
                "deleted": false,
                "nsfw": true,
                "actor_id": "",
                "local": true,
                "icon": "",
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                "instance_id": 1
              "moderator": {
                "id": 18746,
                "name": "data_currator",
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                "published": "2023-06-13T02:36:46.709481",
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                "id": 1840,
                "name": "ftvgirls",
                "title": "FTVGirls",
                "description": "Must have FTVGirls studio's logo/watermarking on posting, to ensure verification of model's age, as well as proof that content is from FTVGirls. \n\ncurrently also mods r/FTVGirls along with u/FTV_LIA, who is the photography director for the website.\n\n---\n\nPlease make a request post to let mods know if you want to help moderate here.\n\n---\n",
                "removed": false,
                "published": "2023-06-18T04:06:06.906636",
                "updated": "2023-06-21T14:02:53.644123",
                "deleted": false,
                "nsfw": true,
                "actor_id": "",
                "local": true,
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                "instance_id": 1
              "moderator": {
                "id": 97262,
                "name": "b9999998",
                "banned": false,
                "published": "2023-06-18T03:15:06.002740",
                "actor_id": "",
                "bio": "Reddit veteran - modded over 50+ subs, including personal r/JustBecause9999998\n\nFeel free to message if I might know you...",
                "local": true,
                "deleted": false,
                "admin": false,
                "bot_account": false,
                "instance_id": 1
          "discussion_languages": []

        Notice that the moderator's user ids are ordered - I think it's just making the earliest registered (i.e. lowest id) account the top mod... @yay