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Catholic 52fighters

New “DUBIA” Submitted to Francis about the Synodality (“walking togetherity”), same-sex blessings, ordination of women, shifting doctrine New "DUBIA" Submitted to Francis about the Synodality ("walking togetherity"), same-sex blessings, ordination of women, shifting doctrine

New "dubia", technical questions, have been submitted to Francis by FIVE cardinals, two of them the previous "Dubia Brothers". Cardinal Burke's site: HERE I predicted this last August. I was also sure about four of the signatories, but one I didn't guess. Walter Cardinal Brandmüller Ra

New "DUBIA" Submitted to Francis about the Synodality ("walking togetherity"), same-sex blessings, ordination of women, shifting doctrine

New "dubia", technical questions, have been submitted to Francis by FIVE cardinals, two of them the previous "Dubia Brothers". Cardinal Burke's site: HERE I predicted this last August. I was also sure about four of the signatories, but one I didn't guess. Walter Cardinal Brandmüller Ra