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Weekly exercise thread. 26Mar2023

How's it going comrades? How's the workouts going?

Sorry I haven't posted in a bit. Job searching has me pretty stressed but I'm gonna try and not let that keep us from having the weekly thread moving forward I finally managed to get motivated and lift some this week.

  • I actually am very happy with my lifts today. I do squats and overhead presses (OHP) on Sundays. At least I try to anyway. Last week I did squats with 165 which honestly isn't a lot but I do higher rep lower weight. I have only recently started doing squats again after almost a year of not due to physical therapy and also I needed to adjust my setup. I can't do deep squats and had to cut some slats out of some board to sit my heels on. It's not an ankle mobility issue though it's my hip joints just "don't bend that way." Also my knees are not great but I have braces for them now and it all seems to be working.

    Anyway when last I stopped I had just gotten to 165 and last week I did 4x8 sets of that after my 145 1x10 warm up. Today I did 4x10 of the 165 pluss the warm up and I feel pretty good. Gonna do one more week of that weight then move up and I'm hoping for the best.

    My OHP I am also very excited about. I have been slowly working up to 4x10 sets of 95lbs. Still not great I think. I worked with a guy that did 200pb OHP and he wasn't even that big but he also did 3x5 type sets. Anyway, I finally managed to do the full 4x10 sets of 95lb. Next week I'm going up to 105 and we'll see how long it takes to get past that. Lol

    Also did curls with my 34lb concrete can barbells. Hoping to have a set of 40s soon.