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[Method]The secret to staying motivated is actually making the things you want to do effortless?

In the past, I always thought that motivation was something I had to strive for.

When I couldn't get up early again, I told myself: getting up early requires strong willpower, such as the motivation to restrain myself from surfing the phone and overcoming sleepiness.

When I missed reading because of the chores after work, I told myself: reading requires strong willpower, such as the power to restrain myself from wanting to slump on the bed as soon as I get off work.

All good habits in my imagination are so difficult! I watch motivational videos or read motivational books, trying to find eternal motivation. But an article I read yesterday simply woke me up. What surprised me the most was tha the secret to maintaining motivation is actually to make everything effortless? Principle: Newtonian physics. Yes, it's the physics formula we learned in school!Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. Once a task begins, it is easier to keep it going.

There are three steps to make motivation a habit (I summarized after reading.Welcome any suggestions):
Step 1: Establish a pre-race routine that is so simple that you can't refuse to start.
Principle: Motivation often appears after the start. The most important part of any task is to start.
Method: Make the pre-race routine extremely simple.
For example: James Clear mentioned that his writing habit starts with drinking a glass of water. I'm thinking maybe writing starts with immediately opening the laptop lid.
Step 2: Form a set of body language about a certain habit, and gradually integrate it into your daily schedule.
Principle: Our mental motivation is closely related to physical condition.
Method: Let thoughts and motivation follow your body movement.
For example: With writing as the goal, you can form a muscle memory of leaning over the desk every day.
Step 3: Follow the same pattern every time.
Principle: Repeated repetitions will trigger your habits and tell your brain: I'm about to do something!
Method: Use the same pattern
For example: Exercise more consistently: Use the same warm up routine in the gym.
In addition to making motivation a habit, the article also mentions how to maintain motivation using the Goldilocks rule, how to reach the highest motivation, what should I do when motivation disappears, I am still reading in depth.