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[Method] Gamify Your Life To Increase Productivity

Video games are super fun, right? They can be really hard to stop playing sometimes. Ever wonder why? Well, it's because they make your brain release dopamine.

When you play video games, you feel like you've done something awesome when you level up or complete a tough challenge. It's like a little victory dance in your head. But in real life, getting that same feeling can take a long time. Like, a really long time.

Some people say you can make your real life more fun and increase productivity by turning it into a game. They call it "gamifying" your life. So, I thought, why not give it a try?

I have built a self-improvement game. It tracks your income, max bench press, and days on Nofap, and generates achievements, so you have something to work towards. It's in its early stages, and is completely free. Try it out at