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Report into Bristol underground says it is needed and can be done - if it's mostly above ground Exclusive: Report into Bristol underground says it is needed and can be done

Metro Mayor Dan Norris has said Bristol 'won't get an underground', but the latest report from his team recommends going further with a plan for a hybrid underground-overground project

Exclusive: Report into Bristol underground says it is needed and can be done

A plan for a new mass rapid transit system that involves some underground tunnels under Bristol is needed, is achievable and work towards creating it should continue - that’s the conclusion of a report written by senior transport chiefs at the West of England Combined Authority. The report - a draft of which has been seen by Bristol Live - is to be submitted to a key meeting of WECA on October 6, and makes it clear that while it will be expensive and cause a lot of upheaval, Bristol, Bath and the wider West of England needs it and it ‘can be delivered’.