This article talks about turning a laptop into a rack mounted computer. Each computer will be different recreating something like this based off what ports it has and where.
My problem is that the ethernetports Clip is part of the case, without it, the Ethernet cable just doesn't stick. Do you have a solution for this problem? A photo would be really cool.
Get a M.2 ethernet card and put it in where the wifi card was. You don't need wifi if you're gonna use ethernet, and the M,2 ethernet card will have a clip.
I'm talking about the LCD/monitor. Maybe @penguin_knight keeps the LCD and mounts it to the board as well. If not, it's headless. Mouse and keyboard are not the issue. I always set up raspberry pi headless because the OS allows it. All you have to do is add an ssh file to the /boot dir and wpa_supplicant.conf file in root dir. Other distros typically don't, they need a monitor to be installed.
I know, that's why I wrote external peripherals and not external inputs.
I don't want to sound cocky or be an asshole (we all know how easy it is by just reading a message someone you don't know wrote), but after 24 years of being in system administration/engineering/architecture I may have sufficient grasp of what I am talking about. 😅