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What are your favorite RSS feeds?

Blog or otherwise. Bonus points if it isn't technology.

  • I'm not sure why this three-year-old post is showing up now, but uh, if there are subreddits you still want to use after migrating to Lemmy you can set them up as an RSS feed. It's so much better and you don't give their site additional engagement or clicks. You can even click the article link from your RSS reader without ever having to go to Reddit. The only subreddit I still use is for my local metroplex/city, since there's not enough of my neighbors on the Fediverse yet. But now I can see every post as it comes in so I can keep up to date with what's going on with where I live and find out about deals and sales.

    You just take the URL for the subreddit and add ".rss" to the end and that's it.

    Example: ""

  • Currently my RSS feed consists of ~1600 feeds and most of them are art accounts on ArtStation, DeviantArt and tumblr, and YouTube channels. I also have regular news, science and tech news, Blender news and blogs, several webcomics (Pepper & Carrot, xkcd, SMBC, Sarah's Scribbles, etc), some miscelaneous blogs (like Wait But Why, Today I Found Out and Picture Of The Day), lots of FOSS projects blogs and release pages, some art blogs, and many LEGO builders flickr accounts.

    I think that's about it :grinning face with sweat: