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Kill Six Billion Demons IonAddis

Kill Six Billion Demons » WHEEL SMASHING LORD 2-45

  • More eye-related symbolism here with White Chain and Allison.

    Interestingly, early in the comic, White Chain's eyes being hidden/closed were symbols of her not seeing the system she was enmeshed in. She was blind to things around her. And as the story progressed, one eye, then both eyes, opened. She had both eyes open when fighting Solomon David.

    But this panel has her right eye only slightly open, right above a panel of Allison's eyes, who is missing that eye.

    I wonder if the symbolism is something alone the lines of...Allison is always opening other people's eyes, which White Chain needed as hers were closing again in Allison's absence, and White Chain's open right eye is compensating for Allison missing hers. Meaning, for things to work out, they have to work together and compensate for each other's flaws. Allison to help White Chain break free of systems, White Chain to help Allison have a bit of discipline too.

    Unrelated to eyes, I do very much wonder how the interaction between Solomon David and his surrogate daughter are going to go down. Is White Chain essentially going to ask him to teach her? Something he clearly didn't do with all his sons? I suspect he'll be a moody, broody bastard when she finds him.

    (And are we going to figure out what the scar across the faces of Solomon David's sons/slaves is from? Is that his way of marking the "unworthy"? Because it sure is interesting that White Chain has her own scar there, from her broken former stone shell, that has nothing to do with him.)