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Think of the children A Big New Report on American Children Is Out. It’s Horrific.

“Protect the children” is a popular modern rallying cry. If only.

A Big New Report on American Children Is Out. It’s Horrific.

NSFW for: Potentially challanging your narrative and worldview.

I recently found this article summarising important findings.

Breaking out of ones own bubble is important. And I would like you to remember this the next time you are at a ballot.

If you really think of the children, vote according to reality.

And if you FEEL personally attacked by this article and bash me in the comments, whataboutism away from the subject or bothsides-ing the issue; Thanks for making my point for me and seek help.


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  • Eh, I see how you got there but I dunno about that. In my terms, a Communist (far left) State redistributes all wealth (~100% tax) and in a Minarchist system (far right) there is virtually no tax because there is virtually no State to fund. Thus no reason to employ force to gain said funding. The game theory is clear either way; A small State can only inflict small tyranny. A (mid to) large State typically has a war-machine.

    I am more Right-skewed than typical Conservatives. I identify as Libertarian, but the LP itself is/was a mess. Mises Caucus seems legit tho. I believe that the State has limited rightful duties. As enumerated in the Constitution, the feds only need power to 1)Make and maintain currency shit (shit job), 2) Enforce or sovereignty (shit job), and 3) Enforce and promote popular law (shit job). But they want to do everything else...

    Do you think your taxes are well spent? I know you dont, lmfao. If they reallocate spending then maybe I'd be cool with (some) taxes. Here and now, no. Im being misrepresented and it's tantamount to theft. The problem isnt lack of funding, its more a lack of budgeting and prioritizing the wrong stuff. Making another committee or council only worsens the issue. They must be starved.

    • Dude, I'm sorry, but this just demonstrates a bizarre misunderstanding of the left and right spectrum, and a complete misunderstanding of communism.

      The left-right dichotomy most certainly represents opposition or favour toward liberal capitalist democratic states. Here's a rough outline.

      Where on Earth did you hear that communists want to redistribute all wealth through a 100% tax? Seriously, wtf is that all about?

      Communists want workers to control their work and work their own way without a boss taking all the profit.

    • Technically communism should be a moneyless, stateless society. No government to give taxes to. No corporations to take your money. No money to take. No one to force things. It's all for the people by the people. The idea that you're pointing to communism as force in order to defend your decision to vote republican on an article about pedophelia is pretty telling. This is why some people assume libertarians want to fuck kids.

      • Same questions as to the other commenter:

        If my [labor] is the peoples' labor, what recorsue do the people have if I want to horde? Force. What if Im a [widget] maker and the people want [widget]... What happens if Im done from making [widget] and the people still need [widget]? The dynamic of owing the State community for your forced labor is pretty... Statist sounding to me.

        We can talk about theory until we all feel gooey, but it just doesnt seem to go that way. I know, I know. The meme, it's never been tried, lol.

        People doing bad things IS a facet to freedom. People do bad stuff. Do you think selfish animal nature can be regulated away with enough tax? Maybe, but gosh you'll need a big community State.

        • If my [labor] is the peoples’ labor, what recorsue do the people have if I want to horde? Force.

          There are just so many mistaken assumptions to correct before I can even touch this question. Let me make an analogy:

          If I want to drive my car, what do I do if my driving license is suddenly Korean?

          To answer this question, I have to take for granted driving licenses can spontaneously change which country they are from. This is absurd, and I hope you can agree that I don't need to answer what would happen in that case.

          Similarly, it is absurd for you to want to hoard in a communist society. With free access to social goods, they will always be there when you want them. What is the point in hoarding?

          What if Im a [widget] maker and the people want [widget]… What happens if Im done from making [widget] and the people still need [widget]?

          Someone else makes widgets...? Why would you be the only person in the world making these things? If it's a good people really want or need, surely you'd teach others how to make them?

          The dynamic of owing the State community for your forced labor is pretty… Statist sounding to me.

          That's not how it works.

          • Okay, so what happens when I dont work but want the peoples' stuff? Just as you hid your true colors, you are obfuscating all the forseeable places where force WILL be applied. It will be applied somewhere. Maybe it'll just be me. Should dissidents like me get the bullet? Why not?!

            There is a lot of hand-waving here. Like how great things can be. And all I see is Holodimur and One-child policies. Large spying governments with huge militaries taking land from farmers, always followed by famine. But I know, its all really chill on paper. Slick academics make it sound sexy, sure. And Im sure this time we'll find those chill sociopaths to put at the reigns of power, lol.

            You can try to explain it to me, I guess, but this sounds like the most statist worldview imaginable. You're using an analogy about drivers licenses to a libertarian. Fuck a drivers license. Its just a regulatory device to attach fines to a person. The identification card is not for you, its for them!

            • Okay, so what happens when I dont work but want the peoples’ stuff?

              You only work if you want to. No one is going to force you. It is natural for people to want to work because we get bored if we don't. Communists believe in leaving it up to you when you want to work, and what you want to do, and how and where and why. And you can go and take what you need from the freely available goods when you need it.

              “For as soon as the distribution of labour comes into being, each man has a particular, exclusive sphere of activity, which is forced upon him and from which he cannot escape. He is a hunter, a fisherman, a herdsman, or a critical critic, and must remain so if he does not want to lose his means of livelihood; while in communist society, where nobody has one exclusive sphere of activity but each can become accomplished in any branch he wishes, society regulates the general production and thus makes it possible for me to do one thing today and another tomorrow, to hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticise after dinner, just as I have a mind, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, herdsman or critic.”

              - Karl Marx

              Just as you hid your true colors,

              I never did that.

              you are obfuscating all he forseeable places where force WILL be applied.

              Such as where?

              It will be applied somewhere.


              Maybe it’ll just be me. Should dissidents like me get the bullet? Why not?!

              Because there is no reason to shoot you just because you don't enjoy... checks notes being allowed to work or not work when you feel like it.

              There is a lot of hand-waving here.

              Such as when?

              Like how great things can be.

              How is this a hand wave? I have explained above, and you haven't even responded. This reply here doesn't even touch any points I've made. You're just repeating yourself.

              And all I see is Holodimur

              So, there are a few points to make here. This video goes into a whole lot of detail and is thoroughly sourced and reasoned in a very balanced manner. The TL;DW is:

              1. The soviet famine was largely the result of natural factors.

              2. It was then worsened considerably by a very slow and negligent response from Stalin.

              3. It affected more than just Ukraine. Kazakhstan and even Russia itself also suffered.

              4. Stalin did send help - but not enough, and it was sent secretly so as not to let the outside world discover the famine.

              In summation, it was far from deliberate, but Stalin's response was cold and insufficient, and cared more about appearances.

              All in all - not very damn communist. Because, surely you know, The USSR was not communist? The first clue is it has a damn state. That's a big clue. I'm generally not a big fan of the USSR and the big fuckin state is one of the reasons.

              One-child policies.

              That's China right? Yeah also another big fuckin state that I'm not a big fan of. Here's a fellow communist also hatin' on China.

              Large spying governments with huge militaries

              Yep, things I'm also not a fan of.

              taking land from farmers, always followed by famine.

              Lol wut? Taking land from farmers? Yeah, with communists it's generally the opposite. If farms are being taken over, it's from fat cats hoarding land for private use, to be taken into public hands for the use of all.

              But I know, its all really chill on paper. Slick academics make it sound sexy, sure.

              Yeah, slick academics also make rocket science sound sexy. And then you follow the theories and oh my goodness, you've made a fuckin rocket. But if somewhere along the way, you decide to swap out aluminium for styrofoam, you've made an expensive waste of fuckin time. So the think is - if you're trying to make communism and you make a big fuckin state, you've taken a wrong fuckin turn or you were fuckin lying!

              And Im sure this time we’ll find those chill sociopaths to put at the reigns of power, lol.


              You can try to explain it to me, I guess, but this sounds like the most statist worldview imaginable.

              HOW? A stateless society sounds statist? Are you high? Because I am, and it still sounds out there to me.

              You’re using an analogy about drivers licenses to a libertarian. Fuck a drivers license.

              Did you... miss the point? It's a prop. Jesus fucking Christ. Oh my God. You're so hung up on such a small detail that the wider point was completely missed. Let me try again.

              If I go to eat a cake, what do I do if it asks me out on a date?

              In order to answer this question, I have to take for granted that not only can cakes speak, but they also understand what dates are, and might proposition me.

              Its just a regulatory device to attach fines to a person. The identification card is not for you, its for them!-

              Yes. So fucking what. It doesn't fucking matter in the context of the analogy. Now think about the damn point it's making and respond to it you fucking loon.

        • Well if we want to take the idea of forcing to really anything, then you still want a government, which means rules, which means you are also in favor of forcing. You just want a government run by people volunteer their free time.

          And if you want to learn some of the more intricate workings of communism, you can do research. But yes, everyone who can work still does work. Just as your system forces you to work or starve and live on the street.

          Turns out every side has somethings that get forced and other things that don't, because the world isn't exactly a binary as you suggest. Even the concept of left and right has been broken down more into a square called the political compass. And some even argue you could add another axis for social issues. But at the end of the day, communism would allow freedoms in certain areas, such as it being a stateless society, while yours would mean you get to keep the money and not pay taxes.

          And then you show at the end you aren't even here for a conversation. I never said I was a communist, and I mentioned how communism doesn't have taxes, and yet you still use it as a come back.

          Maybe learn something about these theories before you spout off about them.