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  • All I can really come up with is that he really was telling the truth in his nWo promo... this is my creation and I'm going to kill it...

    Obviously, it's not dead, but it seems odd he dislikes his kids so much he doesn't want them to have it.

    And.... my final note, somebody in the TKO graphics department really loved the THQ logo, because that was my first thought on seeing their logo.

    • I completely agree on the THQ font. I had to do a double-take when I saw it.

      And I want to find that Vince/ nWo promo on Youtube. That sounds exactly like what's going on.

  • You know, I thought this day would never come. I figured Vince would sooner die than sell.

    Turned out all it took was actually having to hand the company down to his children to change his mind.

  • I feel like we all just collectively stopped talking about the fact that Vince McMahon, the current chairman of this new company, systemically assaulted and abused female talent for years - with at least one female talent ultimately taking her own life from it - and suffered no penalty for it.