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Kansas police took Jeremy Sellhorn's car in 2020 and he can't get it back. He isn't alone Kansas police took Jeremy Sellhorn's car in 2020 and he can't get it back. He isn't alone

Police can take money, cars and other property from Kansans through a process called civil asset forfeiture. Police say it’s a tool that stops criminals. But opponents say law enforcement takes too much.

Kansas police took Jeremy Sellhorn's car in 2020 and he can't get it back. He isn't alone

Police can take money, cars and other property from Kansans through a process called civil asset forfeiture. Police say it’s a tool that stops criminals. But opponents say law enforcement takes too much.

  • Millennia ago, the wealthy and powerful worked out that one of the easiest and most effective ways to inspire enthusiasm and ensure loyalty in the mercenary thugs they hired to fight and kill for them was to allow them to loot and pillage their victims. And not only did it inspire the thugs - it served to offset some of the lords' need to fund them, and kept the people that much poorer and more sibjugated, so they posed less of a recurring threat.

    The only thing that's changed really is that that looting and pillaging is now called "civil asset forfeiture." It's still the same thing, carried out by the same sorts of people, at the behest of the same sorts of people, and for the same purposes.