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Ukrainian Film Festival 2023:Side by Side ‣ Ukrainian Institute London /ukrainian-film-festival-2023side-by-side
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This weekend in London there will be the Ukrainian Film Festival 2023: Side by Side, the fourth annual such festival.

Running from Thursday to Sunday, there will be five different films on show, on the themes of humanity, compassion, strength and love.

More details and tickets from the Ukrainian Institute London:

And a trailer showcasing the films on their Youtube channel:

#Ukraine #London #Cinema #Film #Movies #WhatsOn #WhatsOnLondon

  • For some reason I am not seeing initial posts boosted into Mastodon. Only replies. Not sure why. Maybe I made a mistake somewhere in the post and something about it prevents it being boosted into my timeline.

    So this is a reply to a post about the Ukrainian Film Festival 2023, this weekend in London.

  • There was a Q&A with Mstyslav Chernov, director of 20 Days in Mariupol, after the screening. Available on their Youtube channel: