I was going to give the boar brush I boldly picked up from the PIF table from Maggards a go today after setting it last week in a handle I also picked up from there but in looking at it I don’t think it was ever broken in and possibly never actually used, which is actually a good thing. So I’m going to do that first. Instead I randomly selected a soap I picked up from said table and got… something incredibly unseasonal but also fantastic.
This was my first go with Southern Witchcraft, who is known for unique/challenging scents, and I love Autumn Ash. I find I like scents that go for evoking a place/time/thing over “smelling good.” This shouldn’t be misconstrued as Autumn Ash smelling bad but that it creates a complete scent of being out in the woods camping by a fire and truly evokes that moment to a tee instead of simply trying to evoke the scent by leaving out things that might not be everyone’s favorite. The base is slick too. I probably didn’t give it enough water, though, so going to try it out again with my next shave.
The Schick Injector is a perfectly fine shaver that you don’t have to pay any attention to but it ain’t great by any stretch of the imagination. I mostly just give it a whirl for fun every now and then. Even with a 3-pass I was more DFS than BBS.
No idea. It was in a bin with a few other brushes, no brand/label on it. I think it's bleached because it doesn't smell, but the tips aren't broken at all and it's pretty stiff so I'm assuming it's new or rarely used.