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First Post ReSFlow: A Remote Sensing Imagery Data-Flow for Improved Model Generalization

As satellite imagery collections continue to grow at an astonishing rate, so is the demand for automated and scalable object detection and segmentation. Scaling computational activities demand models that generalize well across various challenges that can hamper progress, including diverse imaging a...

There was a some what active community on reddit for photogrammetry. So i figured I get one set up on Lemmy to give people a place to start over & homely avoid splintering our already small community.

So to start it off i'd thought I'd share a machine learning Data-Flow model I've had some success with for generalizing machine learning applications for photogrammetric terrain modeling.

  • avoid splintering our already small community.

    Ha, you aren't the first! Still, great to see another photogrammetry enthusiast.

    • Oh well good to see another community popped up. I guess at the time that hadn't been searched for from my instance. Might shut this one down then. I'm a photogrammitirst by trade so its always interesting to see how its being used outside of my niche.

      • Yeah, my experience is very much the level of hobbyist fooling around. I can mod you there if you make a comment, but I'm not sure if closing this place is a good idea. is a good tool to find anything except very newly created communities.