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scorebot pinning strategy

what should be the pinning strategy for the score bot? i noticed that yesterday and today were both pinned, and wasn't sure if that was intentional.

  • Pinned is good. I'd also like to see it posted earlier if possible. If anyone comes from r/SFGiants they're used to it being up all day.

    • I have disabled the bot in c/sfgiants but once I re-renable it, the Game Day Thread should be up pretty much all day, until the Game Thread is posted (closer to first pitch). It may have just been posted at whatever time I had started the bot. We are in the alpha stages of sorts for the bot on lemmy right now. I scaled it back to only a few communities while we work through some bugs.

      Once the bots been up and running on your community, we should revisit the timeline for posting and see if you still want to change the config.

  • Hi I'm running the game bot right now. Not sure if you've seen my updates in c/baseball but we've been ironing out some issues with game bot in the past week or so. The pinning/unpinning issue should be resolved in our latest version. I've rolled back the game bot to a limited set of communities while we work through any remaining issues.

    I will add it back to c/sfgiants and will customize it any way you'd like. Alternatively, you can pull my fork of the redball app and run the bot yourself. We're close to have it to a place where we'll merge with the main branch of redball, at which point the redball maintainer will deploy a release to docker with our lemmy mlb bot available.

    • thanks! i'm just learning right now - i hadn't been on reddit so just figuring out what people expect. i'll pop over to c/baseball to read more. no complaints so far

      • We all are! We're working through one more PR right now then I'll turn on the Giants Game Bot. Hopefully in time for your game today